
Precision Performance Coaching Online Trainer Results Sareen

Client Results: Sareen the Robot’s Journey

Results & Stats: Timeframe: 6 months Goal: Fat Loss Upcoming Goal for next year: Photoshoot Milestones: Bench Press: 120kg for 6 reps Squat: 120kg for 10 reps Rack Deadlift: 211kg Sareen’s Story: My name is Sareen Rau Sunthar. I am

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Precision Performance Coaching Online Trainer Results Lan

Client Results: Lan’s 12 Week Transformation Results

Meet Lan: after spending a year on building muscle and gaining some serious strength my man decided it was time for a bit of a shred. So, I made a 12 week plan with an aim of losing roughly 1% a week of his total bodyweight (quite aggressive). This was done through regulating his caloric intake and driving his output (cardio).

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Precision Performance Coaching Online Trainer Results Ben

Client Results: Ben’s Amazing Transformation

Meet Ben: 18 years old and fully committed the sport of bodybuilding. My man is doing whatever it takes to make progress and push towards his first appearance on the physique stage. I’ve really enjoyed working with Ben, since his goal is building muscle we focus on a slow rate of gain when it comes to his caloric intake, this helps us mimimise fat gain and maximise muscle growth.

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